Besides direct links to product pages and datasheets in project pages, here is a list of literature I think is worth going through or know their existence. Besides my studies, at least some of these have been my source of information when designing all these projects. This is also my personal link list, occasionally I need to recall these.
- Ott, H. W., Electromagnetic Compatilibity Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
- Johnson, H. W., Graham, M., High-Speed Digital Design, A Handbook of Black Magic, Prentice Hall, 1993.
- Self, D., Small Signal Audio Design, Focal Press, 2010.
- Self, D., Self on Audio, 2nd edition, Newnes, 2006.
- Franco, S., Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Online articles and papers
- Ott, H. W., “Partitioning and Layout of a Mixed-Signal PCB“, Printed circuit design, June 2001.
- Whitlock, B., Elliott, R. (editor), “Design of High-Performance Balanced Audio Interfaces“, Jensen Transformers / Elliott Sound Products, 2010.
- Macatee, S., “Grounding and Shielding Audio Devices“, RaneNote 151, Rane Corporation, 2002.
- Whitlock, B., “An Overview of Audio System Grounding & Shielding“, AES presentation slides (?).
- Elliott, R., “Earthing Your Hi-Fi – Tricks and Techniques“, Elliott Sound Products, 1999.
- Mancini, R. (editor in chief), “Op Amps For Everyone“, Texas Instruments Design Reference, 2002.
- Karki, J., “Fully-Differential Amplifiers”, Texas Instruments Application Report SLOA054D, 2001.
- Jung, W. (editor), Op Amp Applications Handbook, Analog Devices, 2002.
- Falin, J., “ESR, Stability, and the LDO Regulator“, Texas Instruments Application Report SLVA115, 2002.
- The Twisted Pair, “Inveterate meddling #377: Quick notes on using 3-Pin Voltage regulators”, 2006.