Home News Site update and upcoming projects

Site update and upcoming projects

by nihtila

Once again I will try to start updating the site a bit more often. To encourage myself to do so, I have updated the theme to something that is easier to manage and I am familiar with – the excellent Soledad I am also using in my Sunday Photographer photoblog.

Although there hasn’t been many site updates after the beginning of 2017, I have been working on few new projects. Bear with me, I will provide more information when I have time to measure and document those.

For few months now I have been using a new headphone setup consisting of

  • Upgraded higher-power version of HP PSU 2016
  • H-DAC + Addon BalOut based DAC
  • Balanced preamp with relay stepped attenuator based on work by Bruno Putzeys (“The G Word, or How to Get Your Audio off the Ground” published in Linear Audio volume 5) and Hans Polak
  • Fixed-gain headphone amplifier with swappable amplification boards

I will also have few words on choosing headphones for this setup. Besides these, I have lots of ideas but unfortunately things move rather slowly as I still need to cope with my full-time job.

I am also planning to try to make some videos to support the posts.

Stay tuned,



Below are few shots from last summer when developing the abovementioned preamp.

Preamp has Arduino-compatible microcontroller circuit and small OLED screen.

Firmware development in progress using oscilloscope’s logic analyser.

Below is a modular headphone amplifier that consists of a motherboard with all connectors and separate amplifier boards that are stacked on the motherboard. Currently I have two simple amplifier boards: one TPA6120A2-based and the other that can be populated with BUF634 or LME49600 buffers.

Modular headphone amplifier with swappable amplification boards.

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